All Google Products icons SVG codes. Get the SVG code for Google products like Google, Chrome, Play Store, Google Drive, Google analytics etc and use them for your website.
When building your website, the choice of icon type to use is important and if you will want to optimise the loading of web pages. Also, you will have to consider the best icon types to use.
Depending on your needs you can choose to use the SVG icons over icon fonts.
Icon fonts are mapped to individual Unicode characters, enabling you to store multiple icons within a single file. Fonts are vectors, so icons scale to any size.
And Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector graphics format that can scale to any size without losing clarity.
What to know about SVG icons before using them
- SVG can be displayed through the use of CSS Backgrounds, object tags, img tags, or inlined directly into your HTML. Using inline SVG is becoming more popular for icon systems, as it allows for multiple icons in a single file without the need for additional HTTP requests.
- SVG is rendered as vector artwork by browsers, so no additional anti-aliasing rules are applied.
- SV icons are supported in modern browsers. Lacks support in IE8 and below and Android 2.3 and below.
- Performance-wise, SVG icons are typically larger than icon fonts, even when compressed. Unless SVG is inlined, icons will generate additional HTTP requests.
- SVG files support multiple colours and gradients, can be styled through a wide range of CSS properties and SVG filter effects and can be animated and controlled through scripting. You can even control individual parts of SVG files, enabling you to do things like animate clock hands or dynamically style indicators.
Using SVG icon code
Collection of Google products icons SVG codes
Google icon SVG code
Google Play SVG iocn Code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M3,20.5V3.5C3,2.91 3.34,2.39 3.84,2.15L13.69,12L3.84,21.85C3.34,21.6 3,21.09 3,20.5M16.81,15.12L6.05,21.34L14.54,12.85L16.81,15.12M20.16,10.81C20.5,11.08 20.75,11.5 20.75,12C20.75,12.5 20.53,12.9 20.18,13.18L17.89,14.5L15.39,12L17.89,9.5L20.16,10.81M6.05,2.66L16.81,8.88L14.54,11.15L6.05,2.66Z" /></svg>
Google Drive icon SVG code
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M7.71,3.5L1.15,15L4.58,21L11.13,9.5M9.73,15L6.3,21H19.42L22.85,15M22.28,14L15.42,2H8.58L8.57,2L15.43,14H22.28Z" /></svg>
Google Chrome
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,20L15.46,14H15.45C15.79,13.4 16,12.73 16,12C16,10.8 15.46,9.73 14.62,9H19.41C19.79,9.93 20,10.94 20,12A8,8 0 0,1 12,20M4,12C4,10.54 4.39,9.18 5.07,8L8.54,14H8.55C9.24,15.19 10.5,16 12,16C12.45,16 12.88,15.91 13.29,15.77L10.89,19.91C7,19.37 4,16.04 4,12M15,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,15A3,3 0 0,1 9,12A3,3 0 0,1 12,9A3,3 0 0,1 15,12M12,4C14.96,4 17.54,5.61 18.92,8H12C10.06,8 8.45,9.38 8.08,11.21L5.7,7.08C7.16,5.21 9.44,4 12,4M12,2A10,10 0 0,0 2,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,22A10,10 0 0,0 22,12A10,10 0 0,0 12,2Z" /></svg>
Google My Business
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M22 8.5C22 9.87 20.88 11 19.5 11S17 9.87 17 8.5C17 9.87 15.88 11 14.5 11C13.12 11 12 9.87 12 8.5C12 9.87 10.88 11 9.5 11S7 9.87 7 8.5C7 9.87 5.88 11 4.5 11S2 9.87 2 8.5L3.39 3.08C3.39 3.08 3.68 2 4.7 2H19.3C20.32 2 20.61 3.08 20.61 3.08L22 8.5M21 12.2V20C21 21.1 20.1 22 19 22H5C3.9 22 3 21.1 3 20V12.2C3.46 12.39 3.97 12.5 4.5 12.5C5.45 12.5 6.32 12.17 7 11.62C7.69 12.17 8.56 12.5 9.5 12.5C10.45 12.5 11.32 12.17 12 11.62C12.69 12.17 13.56 12.5 14.5 12.5C15.45 12.5 16.32 12.17 17 11.62C17.68 12.17 18.56 12.5 19.5 12.5C20.03 12.5 20.54 12.39 21 12.2M19 17.33C19 17.13 19 16.92 18.95 16.7L18.92 16.54H15.95V17.71H17.76C17.7 17.93 17.62 18.15 17.45 18.33C17.12 18.66 16.67 18.84 16.19 18.84C15.69 18.84 15.2 18.63 14.84 18.28C14.15 17.57 14.15 16.42 14.86 15.7C15.55 15 16.69 15 17.41 15.67L17.55 15.8L18.39 14.95L18.23 14.81C17.67 14.29 16.93 14 16.15 14H16.14C15.33 14 14.57 14.31 14 14.87C13.41 15.45 13.08 16.21 13.08 17C13.08 17.8 13.39 18.54 13.96 19.09H13.96C14.54 19.66 15.35 20 16.18 20H16.2C17 20 17.71 19.71 18.23 19.2C18.7 18.72 19 18 19 17.33Z" /></svg>
Google Ads
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12.25 1.47C11.55 1.42 10.82 1.58 10.17 1.96C8.41 2.97 7.81 5.21 8.82 6.96L16.16 19.66C17.17 21.42 19.41 22 21.17 21C22.92 20 23.5 17.75 22.5 16L15.18 3.3C14.54 2.2 13.43 1.56 12.25 1.47M6.82 6.76L1.5 16A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 1 17.83A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 4.67 21.5A3.67 3.67 0 0 0 7.84 19.66V19.67L11 14.19C9.65 11.89 8.27 9.6 7.03 7.23C6.95 7.08 6.88 6.92 6.83 6.76ZL16.4 5Z" /></svg>
Google Analytics
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M15.86 4.39V19.39C15.86 21.06 17 22 18.25 22C19.39 22 20.64 21.21 20.64 19.39V4.5C20.64 2.96 19.5 2 18.25 2S15.86 3.06 15.86 4.39M9.61 12V19.39C9.61 21.07 10.77 22 12 22C13.14 22 14.39 21.21 14.39 19.39V12.11C14.39 10.57 13.25 9.61 12 9.61S9.61 10.67 9.61 12M5.75 17.23C7.07 17.23 8.14 18.3 8.14 19.61C8.14 20.93 7.07 22 5.75 22S3.36 20.93 3.36 19.61C3.36 18.3 4.43 17.23 5.75 17.23Z" /></svg>
Google Assistant
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M7,2A6,6 0 0,0 1,8A6,6 0 0,0 7,14A6,6 0 0,0 13,8A6,6 0 0,0 7,2M21.5,6A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 20,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21.5,9A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 23,7.5A1.5,1.5 0 0,0 21.5,6M17,8A3,3 0 0,0 14,11A3,3 0 0,0 17,14A3,3 0 0,0 20,11A3,3 0 0,0 17,8M17,15A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 13.5,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 17,22A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 20.5,18.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,0 17,15Z" /></svg>
Google Classroom
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M23,2H1A1,1 0 0,0 0,3V21A1,1 0 0,0 1,22H23A1,1 0 0,0 24,21V3A1,1 0 0,0 23,2M22,20H20V19H15V20H2V4H22V20M10.29,9.71A1.71,1.71 0 0,1 12,8C12.95,8 13.71,8.77 13.71,9.71C13.71,10.66 12.95,11.43 12,11.43C11.05,11.43 10.29,10.66 10.29,9.71M5.71,11.29C5.71,10.58 6.29,10 7,10A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 8.29,11.29C8.29,12 7.71,12.57 7,12.57C6.29,12.57 5.71,12 5.71,11.29M15.71,11.29A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 17,10A1.29,1.29 0 0,1 18.29,11.29C18.29,12 17.71,12.57 17,12.57C16.29,12.57 15.71,12 15.71,11.29M20,15.14V16H16L14,16H10L8,16H4V15.14C4,14.2 5.55,13.43 7,13.43C7.55,13.43 8.11,13.54 8.6,13.73C9.35,13.04 10.7,12.57 12,12.57C13.3,12.57 14.65,13.04 15.4,13.73C15.89,13.54 16.45,13.43 17,13.43C18.45,13.43 20,14.2 20,15.14Z" /></svg>
Google Photots
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M10,13C10.55,13 11,13.18 11.41,13.57C11.8,13.96 12,14.44 12,15V22C12,22.17 11.91,22.27 11.72,22.27C11.66,22.27 11.58,22.22 11.5,22.13L7,17.67V13H10M12.5,1.88L17,6.33V11H14C13.45,11 13,10.82 12.59,10.43C12.2,10.04 12,9.56 12,9V2C12,1.83 12.09,1.73 12.28,1.73C12.34,1.73 12.42,1.78 12.5,1.88M22,12C22.17,12 22.27,12.09 22.27,12.28C22.27,12.34 22.22,12.42 22.13,12.5L17.67,17H13V14C13,13.45 13.18,13 13.57,12.59C13.96,12.2 14.44,12 15,12H22M6.33,7H11V10C11,10.55 10.82,11 10.43,11.41C10.04,11.8 9.56,12 9,12H2C1.83,12 1.73,11.91 1.73,11.72C1.73,11.66 1.78,11.58 1.88,11.5L6.33,7Z" /></svg>
Google Earth
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12,12.14C11.09,10.77 10.14,9.78 9.14,9.19C8.14,8.59 7.27,8.38 6.5,8.55C5.77,8.73 5.14,9.14 4.64,9.8C4.2,10.39 4,11.06 4,11.81V12C4,12.78 4.11,13.58 4.36,14.39C4.45,14.64 4.5,14.64 4.55,14.39C4.67,13.77 4.96,13.31 5.41,13.03C5.87,12.75 6.47,12.76 7.22,13.05C7.97,13.35 8.7,14 9.42,14.95C10.7,16.67 12.2,17.72 13.92,18.09C16.14,18.41 17.81,17.7 18.94,16C19.25,15.39 19.5,14.86 19.64,14.39C19.73,14.08 19.69,14.05 19.5,14.3C19.03,14.92 18.4,15.33 17.6,15.5C16.8,15.7 15.89,15.5 14.86,15C13.83,14.43 12.88,13.5 12,12.14M16.97,8.16C15.41,5.81 13.72,4.5 11.91,4.17C10.47,3.95 8.91,4.45 7.22,5.67C7,5.83 6.9,5.91 6.91,5.93C6.93,5.95 7.06,5.89 7.31,5.77C9.81,4.55 12.22,5.83 14.53,9.61C15.03,10.45 15.55,11.11 16.1,11.58C16.65,12.05 17.16,12.33 17.65,12.42C18.13,12.5 18.57,12.5 18.96,12.38C19.35,12.25 19.7,12.05 20,11.77C20,11.17 19.91,10.5 19.69,9.8C19.19,9.92 18.74,9.88 18.35,9.68C17.96,9.5 17.5,8.97 16.97,8.16M12,2C14.75,2 17.1,3 19.05,4.95C21,6.9 22,9.25 22,12C22,14.75 21,17.1 19.05,19.05C17.1,21 14.75,22 12,22C9.25,22 6.9,21 4.95,19.05C3,17.1 2,14.75 2,12C2,9.25 3,6.9 4.95,4.95C6.9,3 9.25,2 12,2Z" /></svg>
Google Translate
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M20,5H10.88L10,2H4A2,2 0 0,0 2,4V17A2,2 0 0,0 4,19H11L12,22H20A2,2 0 0,0 22,20V7A2,2 0 0,0 20,5M7.17,14.59A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 3.08,10.5A4.09,4.09 0 0,1 7.17,6.41C8.21,6.41 9.16,6.78 9.91,7.5L10,7.54L8.75,8.72L8.69,8.67C8.4,8.4 7.91,8.08 7.17,8.08C5.86,8.08 4.79,9.17 4.79,10.5C4.79,11.83 5.86,12.92 7.17,12.92C8.54,12.92 9.13,12.05 9.29,11.46H7.08V9.91H11.03L11.04,10C11.08,10.19 11.09,10.38 11.09,10.59C11.09,12.94 9.5,14.59 7.17,14.59M13.2,12.88C13.53,13.5 13.94,14.06 14.39,14.58L13.85,15.11L13.2,12.88M13.97,12.12H13L12.67,11.08H16.66C16.66,11.08 16.32,12.39 15.1,13.82C14.58,13.2 14.21,12.59 13.97,12.12M21,20A1,1 0 0,1 20,21H13L15,19L14.19,16.23L15.11,15.31L17.79,18L18.5,17.27L15.81,14.59C16.71,13.56 17.41,12.34 17.73,11.08H19V10.04H15.36V9H14.32V10.04H12.36L11.18,6H20A1,1 0 0,1 21,7V20Z" /></svg>
Google Maps
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.27 6C19.28 8.17 19.05 10.73 17.94 12.81C17 14.5 15.65 15.93 14.5 17.5C14 18.2 13.5 18.95 13.13 19.76C13 20.03 12.91 20.31 12.81 20.59C12.71 20.87 12.62 21.15 12.53 21.43C12.44 21.69 12.33 22 12 22H12C11.61 22 11.5 21.56 11.42 21.26C11.18 20.53 10.94 19.83 10.57 19.16C10.15 18.37 9.62 17.64 9.08 16.93L18.27 6M9.12 8.42L5.82 12.34C6.43 13.63 7.34 14.73 8.21 15.83C8.42 16.08 8.63 16.34 8.83 16.61L13 11.67L12.96 11.68C11.5 12.18 9.88 11.44 9.3 10C9.22 9.83 9.16 9.63 9.12 9.43C9.07 9.06 9.06 8.79 9.12 8.43L9.12 8.42M6.58 4.62L6.57 4.63C4.95 6.68 4.67 9.53 5.64 11.94L9.63 7.2L9.58 7.15L6.58 4.62M14.22 2.36L11 6.17L11.04 6.16C12.38 5.7 13.88 6.28 14.56 7.5C14.71 7.78 14.83 8.08 14.87 8.38C14.93 8.76 14.95 9.03 14.88 9.4L14.88 9.41L18.08 5.61C17.24 4.09 15.87 2.93 14.23 2.37L14.22 2.36M9.89 6.89L13.8 2.24L13.76 2.23C13.18 2.08 12.59 2 12 2C10.03 2 8.17 2.85 6.85 4.31L6.83 4.32L9.89 6.89Z" /></svg>
Google Hangouts
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M15,11L14,13H12.5L13.5,11H12V8H15M11,11L10,13H8.5L9.5,11H8V8H11M11.5,2A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 3,10.5A8.5,8.5 0 0,0 11.5,19H12V22.5C16.86,20.15 20,15 20,10.5C20,5.8 16.19,2 11.5,2Z" /></svg>
Google Keep
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M4 2H20C21.11 2 22 2.9 22 4V17.33L17.33 22H4C2.9 22 2 21.11 2 20V4C2 2.9 2.9 2 4 2M17 17V20.25L20.25 17H17M10 19H14V18H15V13C16.21 12.09 17 10.64 17 9C17 6.24 14.76 4 12 4S7 6.24 7 9C7 10.64 7.79 12.09 9 13V18H10V19M14 17H10V15H14V17M12 5C14.21 5 16 6.79 16 9C16 10.5 15.2 11.77 14 12.46V14H10V12.46C8.8 11.77 8 10.5 8 9C8 6.79 9.79 5 12 5Z" /></svg>
Google Controllers
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M7.97,16L5,19C4.67,19.3 4.23,19.5 3.75,19.5A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 2,17.75V17.5L3,10.12C3.21,7.81 5.14,6 7.5,6H16.5C18.86,6 20.79,7.81 21,10.12L22,17.5V17.75A1.75,1.75 0 0,1 20.25,19.5C19.77,19.5 19.33,19.3 19,19L16.03,16H7.97M7,8V10H5V11H7V13H8V11H10V10H8V8H7M16.5,8A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,9.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,8.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,8M14.75,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 14.75,9.75M18.25,9.75A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.5,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,11.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 19,10.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 18.25,9.75M16.5,11.5A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 15.75,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,13A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 17.25,12.25A0.75,0.75 0 0,0 16.5,11.5Z" /></svg>
Google Lens
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M6,2H18A4,4 0 0,1 22,6V12H20V6A2,2 0 0,0 18,4H6A2,2 0 0,0 4,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 6,20H12V22H6A4,4 0 0,1 2,18V6A4,4 0 0,1 6,2M12,8A4,4 0 0,1 16,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,16A4,4 0 0,1 8,12A4,4 0 0,1 12,8M18,16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18A2,2 0 0,1 18,20A2,2 0 0,1 16,18A2,2 0 0,1 18,16Z" /></svg>